See below recordings and descriptions of past webinars held.
February 21st, 2025: Caregiving Research in Age-Friendly Health Systems
In this session, moderated by Marla Berg-Weger, PhD LCSW of Saint Louis University School of Social Work, panelists shared their perspectives on conducting research on caregiving, discussed lessons learned on including caregivers in research on AFHS, and highlighted both past and ongoing research. Our panel of experts included Anna Chodos, Chanee Fabius, Allison Gibson, and Max Zubatsky.
Insights from the Zoom chat
Do you have any recommendations for screening caregiver stress?/How are you assessing for caregiver stress in the acute care setting?
- Caregiver stress assessments - Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and Revised Caregiving Appraisal Scale (CAS)
- I believe ZBI is required under GUIDE but it is long. We would like to align caregiver stress screenings between outpatient and inpatient settings (CMS Age-Friendly Measure) but having inpatient staff do the ZBI seems daunting.
- RUSH uses the Burden Scale for Family Caregivers - short version - and for our GUIDE model caregivers we do use the Zarit due to the requirement.
- Tebb, S. S., Berg-Weger, M., & Rubio, D. M. (2013). The Caregiver Well-Being Scale: Developing a Short-Form Rapid Assessment Instrument. Health & Social Work, 38(4), 222–230.
- What are the approved screening tools for dementia staging? Can GUIDE Participants use other tools to evaluate beneficiaries?
- The approved screening tools include two tools to report dementia stage – the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) or the Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST) – and one tool to report caregiver strain, the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI). CMS may add screening tools throughout the course of the model.
- GUIDE Participants have the option to seek CMS approval to use an alternative screening tool by submitting the proposed tool, along with published evidence that it is valid and reliable and a crosswalk for how it corresponds to the model’s tiering thresholds. CMS has full discretion on whether it will accept the proposed alternative tool. Details on the process for submitting proposed tools and tiering information will be shared with GUIDE Participants after July 1, 2024
Status of Age-Friendly Health Systems site recognition:
- There are currently 4874 sites of care that have achieved Age-Friendly Health Systems recognition
- Do all of these sites include all 4 Ms? I’ve seen some use or focus on one or 2 but not always 4.
- The recognition status is the commitment to address all 4 Ms. The Committed to Care Excellence are those sites that report on all 4 Ms for at least 3 months (there are 2366 CCE sites!)
Is the consideration moving to the care partner language vs. “caregiver”?
- I've worked on projects where the caregivers have indicated they don't like "care partner" but open to hear what others think about language
- Same for us - they prefer caregiver
- We use care partner or support person now
- Care partner includes a broader array of support persons and the continued engagement of the care recipients
Who is doing the burden scales at your orgs?
- Outpatient LCSW or GUIDE RN Care Navigator within the Geriatrics Clinic
Additional resources/recommendations
- "If you don't know, get them to someone that does!" (Alzheimer's Association hotline, Area Agency on Aging, etc.)
- FYI Some information about the CAP-CT program:
- 2025 SLU Caregiver Virtual Conference- Theme on "Addressing Resilience Through Types of Loss and Grief" March 28th 9-3 central:
- Other research on Daily Care Checklists to support caregivers: Dr. Atul Grande (Checklist Manifesto)
January 17th, 2025: Documenting the 4Ms in the EHR
In this session, attendees heard from a panel of representatives from multiple systems that are currently using EHR data to document the 4Ms. Panelists shared a high level overview of their EHR work, and answered Q&A from the audience on the process of data extraction, analysis, and dissemination. Kim Church Wozneak, the national lead for Age Friendly Health Systems at the VA moderated the session. Panelists included Ann Gallo (Advocate Aurora Health), Laurence Solberg (VA), Nimit Agarwal (Banner), and Anne Pohnert (CVS Health).
Insights from Zoom chatbox
Time and Cost
MW: Important work. Have you been able to build in the time cost and also whether there are improved outcomes?
KH: Margaret - important questions - the time cost and change in outcomes / impact is a major goal of our Wake Forest academic group as we spread AFHS work to the rest of our Advocate MW hospitals and into the 30+ Advocate southeast hospitals
Nursing/Provider Documentation
CG: Are the 4M requirements being documented by nursing or providers?
LS: In the VA we have different people from the IDT filling out different Ms. But the nurses and the clinicians do most of the documentation.
AP: In our ambulatory care setting - the nurse may introduce the 4Ms and start the assessment process. The provider completes the assessment and “act ons” and documents those in the Epic 4Ms workflow.
AG: The 4Ms are being assessed/documented for the most part by Nursing with the exception of Medication. But as we all know, it takes a disciplinary team to care for the patient so there is a collaborative effort on the 4Ms with Rehab, Pharmacy etc.
Dashboard tools
SH: What tools do you use for the dashboard (slicerdicer, reporting workbench, tableau etc)?
AP: We use primarily reporting workbench for a provider-facing dashboard in Epic (with 6 months of AFHS 4Ms performance rates) and Tableau for system reporting.
SH: Anybody try slicerdicer? A bit more naive but reporting workbench loads too slowly for us
AP: We use slicer dicer for some data analytics - but we built formal dashboards for reporting workbench that could populate for the provider team. The primary approach is data extraction to a Tableau dashboard for tracking reliable use of the 4Ms at the national, regional, clinic and provider levels - along with race, ethnicity, primary diagnosis, and other data points.
SH: Thanks! Yea I wish slicerdicer has more capabilities, but might need a combo of slicerdicer and reporting workbench. Trying to avoid tableau because I want providers to use it and opening another app is not going to happen.
AP: Our providers don’t typically have access to slicer dicer - it’s more of a high-level data analytic and clinical leadership tool. Also, can spend hours in slicer dicer (as you likely know) and the providers are seeing patients and don’t have time.
AG: For our audit tool we use Reporting Workbench. Our Data Dashboard pulls data from EPIC and we use BI Launch Pad.
AP: Also, Epic has been working to integrate the 4Ms into their various platforms and in “snapshot” for example - so connecting with your EHR provider on what they already have available is key.
Free text
SH: For those that use free texting for what matters, any tips on how to quickly collate the info?
AP: There is always a balance between free text notes (which aren’t typically reportable unless there is a full AI process in place) and what is “reportable” - allowing for both free text and reportable elements is helpful. Our system decided to go with reportable elements for standardization and evaluation. We can pull in certain free text items, but it requires much more work to review and analyze at scale.
SH: My struggle too. Trying to find sophisticated ways of grouping these messages.
Deciding on measures
GK: Ann, you may have already mentioned this, but how did you decide on which measures to utilize for each of the 4Ms. What we’re finding is that even for what matters most, this is documented in different places, by different staff/providers in Epic
SL: This is a great question. We’ve created an evaluation measure library here that might help. We are always looking for feedback on what might be helpful, so please let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas of other resources that might be helpful!
AG: We worked with our System Nursing Research Manager to identify our system policies and also with a pilot of 6 hospitals to understand the current state and what is feasible. Based on what we learned and how we could optimize that, we then set standards for each M across our system.
RT: For our evaluation work, we’ve chosen to align our measurement with the “minimal” set of care practices required for IHI level 1 recognition.
Potential alert fatigue
SH: How successful have the 4M bpa’s been - utility, change in behavior, etc. have they led to more alert fatigue?
LS: We have not seen alert fatigue reported but have seen decreased falls and increased deprescribing in the VA.
Medication outcomes
GE: For medication outcomes, are groups focusing on all potentially inappropriate medications or more targeted, such as medications that impact mobility and mentation?
LS: It can vary. The high-risk meds listed by IHI are a great starting point.
SH: I’ve been using an arbitrary list: opioids, benzos, antipsychotics, etc. but it would be nice to have a ‘standard’ list.
TL: We will be defining PIMs as defined by HEDIS.
Cerner documentation
TK: We are working toward our Level 2 Age Friendly accreditation in a clinic setting. Currently, I have a printed document that we are addressing the 4Ms on that is being scanned in. This month will be my first submission. My plan is to send those papers with my submission and those are scanned into the individual patient charts. We currently use Cerner and, as said, they are a little behind in getting in getting the EMR set up for documentation. For our clinic setting, is this sufficient or will we need to be documenting in the EMR more for data pulls?
SL: Good question- do you mean for accreditation? Someone from IHI might have an answer here!
TK Yes. I am just wanting to make sure I am doing these correctly.
LS: You only have to submit the number of people you did the 4M’s on to IHI. Just keep count for each month.
Video Anne mentioned
LS: That video is a great idea for education on how to use the 4M’s.
AM: Agreed- can that video be shared?
AP: It’s specific to our documentation workflow of course, but I can check to see if we can share :).
Suggestion – Microsoft form
EG: Maybe we could send out a quarterly Microsoft forms to seek input on the documentation?
December 20th, 2024: Lessons Learned from Implementation of the 4Ms In Hospital, Nursing Home, and Health Center
In this session, speakers shared their experience as leaders implementing the 4Ms in the hospital, nursing home, and health center settings. Panelists include Erica Husser, PhD, Primary Health Network, Pennsylvania (Federally Qualified Health Center); Andrea Schwartz, MD, MPH, VA Boston Healthcare System (nursing home); and Donna Fick, PhD, Penn State (hospital). They each discussed the current and potential role of research in their Age-Friendly Health Systems implementation. The session was moderated by Leslie Pelton, MPA.
November 22nd, 2024: Vision for the AFHS Research Network: Challenges and Opportunities to Moving AFHS Research Forward
In this session Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW (UCSF), James Harrison, PhD (UCSF), and Bob Burke (UPenn) discussed the vision and mission for the research council and invited members of the AFHS research community to share their thoughts, hopes, and wishes for an AFHS research community. Research Network Faculty Lead, Sunny Lin, PhD, MS (WashU) moderated the discussion.